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Global Privacy Policy (RGF Services)

■ Personal Information Protection Policy
•RGF HR Agent utilizes various media, including informational magazines, the Internet, mobile communications, events, and at-the-counter services, to provide corporations and individuals with opportunities for previously unavailable encounters in various situations of life. In the operation of our business, we handle the personal information of many customers and employees. Therefore, we have set forth this policy based on our Code of Ethics and have established a system for the management of personal information to engage in the responsible handling of the information as a company.

1. We will specify the purpose of use for personal information to the extent possible and will handle it properly within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. We will also implement measures to prevent use of the information for other purposes.

2. We will obtain personal information via legal and proper means.

3. We will not provide personal information to a third party without the individual’s consent.

4. In our management of personal information, we will work to implement the necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, and corruption of the information as well as to ensure that it is correct and otherwise managed securely.

5. When handling personal information, we will work to ensure that the individual who provided the information can be involved as appropriate and to keep the information accurate and up-to-date to the extent possible.

6. We will observe laws and ordinances related to the protection of personal information. We will also establish internal rules on the protection of personal information and will regularly review and observe them.

7. We will provide a point of contact for complaints and consultations concerning the protection of personal information and will work to handle them appropriately.

RGF HR Agent

■ Handling of Personal Information
• RGF HR Agent (“RGF”) respects the privacy of those who use (“users”) ( and the related subdomains for each country (“the website”). We will take the utmost care in managing the personal information (as defined below) of users and will handle it accordingly.

◆Personal information
Personal information refers to information pertaining to the user, such as name, date of birth, identification card number, address, telephone number, e-mail address, school name, and other information that can be used to ultimately identify the user. This includes information that by itself cannot be used to identify the user but can be easily compared against other information to ultimately identify the user.

◆ Purpose of use of personal information
We use personal information for the purposes set forth below. We will never use the information for other purposes.
A. To authenticate the user and provide him/her with the Services
B. To send/deliver communications pertaining to use of the Services, newsletters, direct mail, various notifications, etc.
C. To provide personal information to corporate users, etc. of the Services based on the user’s consent or application
D. To deliver/display ads and content based on attribute information, device information, location information, behavioral history, etc., and to provide the Services
E. To develop and market improvements to the Services or new services
F. To conduct campaigns, questionnaires, monitoring, interviews, etc.
G. To check and respond to opinions, inquiries, and reviews regarding the Services
For the scouting service, the registered information is disclosed to corporate users of the Services and the Services’ partner job-change agents.

◆ Voluntariness of Personal Information Provision
If the user does not enter the information required for each of the services included in the Services, he/she may not be able to use these services.

◆ Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
In principle, RGF does not provide personal information to third parties without the user’s consent. The information is only provided when the third party and information to be provided are specified and the consent of the user has been obtained. However, in keeping with the relevant laws and ordinances, under the following circumstances we may provide personal information without the user’s consent.
A. It is determined that the user may inflict damage on a third party
B. A government institution, local authority, or party contracted by them requires cooperation for the execution of a legally prescribed task, and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the user may hinder its execution
C. A court, prosecutor’s office, police department, or other agency with equivalent authority requests the disclosure of personal information
D. The user himself/herself explicitly asks for the information to be disclosed or provided to a third party
E. The disclosure or provision is permitted by laws and ordinances
F. Personal information is to be provided in conjunction with business succession due to a merger or other such circumstance, and the information will be handled within the scope of the purpose of use stated prior to the business succession

◆ Disclaimer Regarding Provision to Third Parties
Under the circumstances below, RGF accepts no liability whatsoever for a third party’s acquisition of personal information.

A. The user himself/herself discloses personal information to a specific company using the functions of the Services or other means
B. Information entered in the Services accidentally identifies the individual
C. The user provides personal information on an external website linked to from the Services or the personal information is used by that website
D. Someone other than the user himself/herself obtains information that can be used to identify the user (ID, password, etc.)

◆ Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
RGF may outsource operations involving the handling of personal information either in part or in whole. RGF bears responsibility for the handling of the personal information by the outsourcee.

◆ Use of Statistically Processed Data
RGF may process personal information we receive to create statistical data that cannot identify individuals. RGF reserves the right to use statistical data that cannot identify individuals without restriction.

◆ Modification, etc. of Personal Information
In principle, only the user may request notification of the purpose of use of personal information or the disclosure, correction, additions, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties (“modification, etc. of personal information”) of registered personal information. Please contact us regarding specific methods using the contact information provided below for inquiries concerning the management of personal information. However, we may not be able to comply with requests for the modification, etc. of personal information in the following circumstances.

A. There is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the user or a third party
B. There is a risk of severe hindrance to the proper implementation of the Services
C. It will violate other laws and ordinances

In the event that the modification, etc. of personal information would be very costly or otherwise difficult and we take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights or interests of the user, we may not comply with the request for modification, etc. of personal information.

◆ Accuracy of Personal Information
RGF works to ensure accurate data processing for the personal information we receive. However, the user bears responsibility for making sure the content of the personal information he/she provides is accurate and up-to-date.

◆ Restrictions on Acquisition of Sensitive Personal Information
In principle, RGF does not acquire personal information containing the sensitive content below. However, this does not apply in the event that the user provides such information on his/her own.
a. Details related to thoughts, beliefs, or religion
b. Race, ethnicity, lineage, permanent domicile (excluding information related to prefecture or municipality of residence), physical/mental disability, criminal record, or other details that could lead to social discrimination
c. Details related to participation in workers’ right to organize, collective bargaining, or other collective activities
d. Details related to participation in mass demonstrations, exercise of the right of petition, or exercise of other political rights
e. Medical treatments and sexual activity

◆ Management of Personal Information
RGF works to implement proper security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of the personal information that we manage. Personal information is kept in a secure environment inaccessible to general users. Nevertheless, the user should be aware that no absolutely perfect security measures exist on the Internet.

◆ Identity Verification
When the user registers for or uses online services, in cases such as a user request for the disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, RGF will verify the user’s identity using personal information that can identify him/her (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, identification card number, e-mail address, member number, password, etc.).
We accept no responsibility in the event that a third party obtains information that can be used to identify you and uses it for identity verification.

◆ Acquisition and Use of Attribute Information, Device Information, Location Information, Behavioral History, Etc.
◇ Cookies, etc. within attribute information, device information, location information, behavioral history, etc. (“behavioral history, etc.”)
We use cookies to protect user privacy, improve convenience, deliver advertisements, and obtain statistical data. We may also acquire age, gender, occupation, area of residence, and other attribute information that cannot identify the individual (only information that cannot be used to identify the individual even when combined with other information) among the information received using cookies, JavaScript, and other technologies, as well as device information, user behavioral history on the Services website (URLs and content accessed, order of access, etc.), and location information based on the user’s consent/application when using smartphones or other such devices. However, cookies and behavioral history, etc. do not contain any personal information.

◇ Access logs, etc. Within Behavioral History, Etc.
When users log in and use the Services, after identifying the individual, we may deliver/display advertisements, content, etc. and provide the Services utilizing behavioral history, etc. beginning from before the user logs in. Please contact us using the contact information provided below concerning the management of personal information if you would like to suspend delivery of these advertisements, etc.

◆ Inquiries Concerning the Management of Personal Information
RGF HR Agent E-mail address:

◆ Changes to This Privacy Policy
Except where otherwise provided by laws, ordinances, etc., RGF reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time.


■ Disclaimer
• Please manage the personal information you send or plan to send to the Services with the utmost care. The RGF Privacy Statement does not apply to information leaked from your personal computer or other locations where it is kept.
■ External Links
• This website contains links to other websites. Always read the privacy policy on the linked website for information on how personal information is handled on that website.
■ Updates to the Privacy Statement
•The approach to privacy within the RFG Privacy Statement is subject to revision either in whole or in part. If changes are made, notification will always be provided on the Service website.