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For Employers

The basics to developing recruitment plans

An appropriate recruitment plan is extremely important for a corporation aiming to expand their business. A recruitment plan decides which departments will be recruiting, the type of job vacancy, the specific number of vacancies, person specifications, and recruiting schedule. In order to develop such a plan, an understanding of mid-to-long term and on-the-spot corporate needs. This article explains the basics to developing recruitment plans for local recruitment.

Base recruitment plans on business plans

Regardless of the size of a company, recruitment plans are generally based on business plans. It predicts goals, strategies, and growth, and gives an estimate on how many and when new employees are needed to facilitate growth based on new business plans.

Recruitment schedule – Understand the trends of each country for a speedy and flexible schedule

The trends of job seekers’ actions differ from country to country. For example, in a country where there is a job changing trend after receiving long leave or bonuses, companies can approach potential employees more effectively during this time. Maintain a good gasp on the movements of job seekers, compare it to the period when the business will recruit and put together a flexible and sometimes speedy recruitment schedule.

Vacancies – Decide based on current employees and recruitment market conditions

In order to have a grasp on HR needs which can be fulfilled through job transfers within the company before recruitment, analyzing the number of employees in each position and department, age and skills is required. A rough estimation of the number of employees in the next few years should be made while taking employee age and resignation rate into consideration. Recruitment numbers and specifications are decided based on this estimation but it is important to know the recruitment market conditions first. In order to decide how many vacancies there will be, a realistic point of compromise made between the needs of each department and market conditions. To understand the market its future prospects, it is best to refer to employment agency reports or consult them directly.

Person specifications – Pay attention to the voices of employees and the company’s values

Listening to the recruiting department before determining the person specifications is crucial. Work out clearly what skills, experience is needed, what roles are involved in the job description, and what the minimum requirements and ideal requirements are. If employing new graduates or seeking to nurture personnel through internships or education, rather than employing an immediate asset, attach importance in recruiting someone who agrees to the values, mission, and vision of the company. Seek a candidate who can be expected to be employed long-term.

Establish the number of vacancies, specific requirements, and recruitment period as above and decide your company’s recruitment budget and approach based on this plan.

Read more about Japanese recruitment information, see Japanese-Jobs.com

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